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Apache Camel Karavan 4.6.0

We’re announcing the release of Apache Camel Karavan 4.6.0!

Key Highlights:

🔧 ErrorHandler Configuration on Route Level: Simplify error handling in your routes with new configuration options. Gain granular control and management of errors, making your integrations more robust and easier to maintain.

⚖️ LoadBalance Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP): Delegate to one of a number of endpoints using various load balancing policies, enhancing your integration capabilities.

🔍 Container Image and Commit Information in UI: Gain better visibility into your running projects with the ability to view container image and commit information directly in the UI. This improvement aids in troubleshooting and maintaining your integrations.

For a detailed overview of the new features, please

Latest and greatest:

  1. Camel 4.6.0
  2. Kamelets 4.6.0
  3. Jkube 1.16.2
  4. JBang v0.116.0

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