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The Talisman Platform evaluation process is designed to provide potential users with a comprehensive understanding of the platform's capabilities through progressive, hands-on experiences that escalate in complexity and realism. This approach allows organizations to make informed decisions regarding platform adoption with minimal initial investment.

graph LR
  A[Use-Case] --> B[Workshop];
  B --> D[Playground];
  D --> |need more| F[PoC];
  F -->|confirmed| X[Subscription];
  D -->|decided| X;


Evaluate the platform's ability to handle a typical scenario relevant to your organization.

  1. Provide a common integration scenario your organization faces. Specify only the technologies involved, not the exact systems.
  2. Our team will prepare a demonstration based on this scenario within a few days.

    Use Case Example: Order Processing

    An e-commerce platform needs to validate and process customer orders.

    1. Receiving Order publishing event from Kafka:

    Orders are placed through a web application and published as JSON messages to a Kafka topic.

    Integration microservice listens to this Kafka topic for new order messages.

    2. Transforming Messages:

    The received order messages are in a specific JSON format.

    Integration microservice converts the order data into a different JSON structure suitable for the internal order processing system.

    3. Calling a Service with REST API:

    After transformation, Integration microservice makes a REST API call to an order validation service, passing the transformed order JSON.

    The order validation service responds with a validation status and additional information.

    2. Transforming Messages:

    Integration microservice converts the JSON response from the validation service into a format expected by downstream systems.

    4. Publishing to an AMQP Broker:

    Finally, Integration microservice publishes the validated order message to an AMQP broker, where it can be consumed by other services, such as inventory management or shipping.


Demonstrate the prepared use-case and explain the development steps, including a Q&A session.

  1. Conduct a 1-hour workshop to showcase the solution to the custom use-case.
  2. Provide step-by-step explanations of how the integration was achieved.


Enable hands-on experience with the Talisman Platform in your environment.

  1. Install a demonstration version of the Platform in your environment using Docker Compose to streamline setup and minimize the need for infrastructure teams involvement.
  2. Upload and replicate the custom demo scenario on your own.


    Typically, it takes from a few days to three weeks to experiment with the platform.

    Support is provided via a dedicated Slack channel for real-time Q&A during this period.



The PoC is a paid engagement, unlike the previous steps which do not require financial commitment.

Conduct a deeper, more tailored evaluation involving a setup in your development environment.

  1. Setup: Install the platform in an environment that simulates your actual production setup, using either Docker or Kubernetes.
  2. Implementation: Deploy a use-case connected to real systems (within a development environment).
  3. Evaluation: Assess the platform’s performance and suitability within the PoC setup.


    The PoC phase typically lasts from one to three weeks, depending on the readiness of the environment, availability of engineers, and complexity of the use case.


Formalize the adoption of the Talisman Platform following a successful proof-of-concept (PoC).

  1. Contract Signing: Once you confirm satisfaction with the PoC results, the next step is to sign a subscription contract.
  2. Installation and Implementation: Begin the full-scale adoption process, which includes the installation of the Talisman Platform and the implementation of integration microservices tailored to your organization's needs.

    Consulting Services:

    We offer expert consulting services to guide and optimize the installation and integration process, ensuring the platform is seamlessly integrated into your existing infrastructure.

    Training Services:

    To empower your team with the necessary skills and knowledge, we provide comprehensive training on the Talisman Platform. This training ensures your team can effectively manage and utilize the platform to its full potential.

By following these steps, organizations can methodically evaluate and implement the Talisman Platform with confidence and support. Our aim is to provide a smooth transition from evaluation to full adoption, backed by our dedicated consulting and training services to ensure your long-term success with the platform.