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API Gateway

Talisman Gateway enhances the service publishing experience, making it both enjoyable and straightforward.

Acting as an intermediary, Talisman Gateway receives requests directed at your system, handles authentication and authorization (if enabled), and determines the appropriate components for processing these requests.

Key Features

  • Intermediary Request Handling: Talisman Gateway efficiently manages incoming requests, ensuring they are routed to the correct service components.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Utilizes the built-in mechanisms of the Talisman Platform, supporting JWT Tokens to secure and validate access.
  • Flexible Deployment: Compatible with both Docker and Kubernetes environments, Talisman Gateway can be integrated seamlessly into various infrastructures.
  • Customization and Configuration: The gateway is built using the Talisman Platform and is delivered as a standard project, allowing for customization and configuration according to your specific needs.

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Built on Its Own Foundation

The Talisman Gateway is developed utilizing the Talisman Platform and is provided as a typical Talisman Platform project, complete with its source code. Customers have the flexibility to configure or customize the gateway according to their specific needs.


Talisman Gateway prioritizes security by leveraging JWT Tokens for robust authentication and authorization. It includes built-in functionality for user and key management, enabling operations such as user authentication, authorization, token generation, verification, and revocation.