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Apache Camel Karavan 4.3.0

Apache Camel Karavan 4.3.0 has been released!

👩‍💻 Developer experience and performance boost: 1. Enjoy a less verbose UI shows only required scope borders 2. Easily replace Filter with Choice, SetHeader with SetBody without recreating expressions 3. Save elements with steps to separate routes for enhanced organization and reusability. 4. Set route auto startup preferences with environment variables for a tailored experience

⚙ Web-application improvements: 1. Configure the network for Karavan when used in Docker 2. Configure Karavan service accounts when used in Kubernetes 3. OIDC Realms and ClientIds are configurable now

Latest and greatest: Camel 4.3.0, Kamelets 4.3.0, Jkube 1.15.0, JBang v0.114.0

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Try to connect any system, any data, anywhere, anytime!